Domestic Abuse
If you have an immediate concern for a child's safetly, call the polic on 999.
For members of the public, Kirklees Safeguarding for Children Partnership, call 01484 456848 9am-5pm.
If you are a child in need of support, you can also call the above number or Childline on 0800 1111.

If you have an immediate concern for an adult's safety, call the police on 999.
The Kirklees website has lots of information regarding adult safety when it comes to abuse and who to report it to.
You can report via Gateway to Care on 01484 414 933 orn use the Kirklees website.
What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, gender, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. When people think of domestic abuse, they tend to typically think of verbal or physical aggression, however it occurs in many different forms.
Psychological Abuse, Includes name-calling, threats and manipulation, blaming you for the abuse or ‘gas-lighting’ you.
- Economic Abuse, Controlling your access to money or resources. He might take your wages, stop you working, or put you in debt.
- Sexual Abuse, Doesn’t have to be physical. He might manipulate or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do.
Coercive Abuse, When an abuser uses a pattern of behaviour over time to exert power and control. It is a criminal offence.
- Physical Abuse, Not only hitting. He might restrain you or throw objects. He might pinch or shove you and claim it’s a ‘joke’.
- Tech Abuse, He might send abusive texts, demand access to your devices, track you with spyware, or share images of you online.
A Female based helpline;
A Male based helpline;
LGBTQ+ helpline;
Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership
A helpline and support for those who are experiencing domestic violence. 0800 052 7222