Types of Appointments we offer
Surgeries are by appointment only.
We have 3 types of GP appointments:
- On the day
- Pre Book
- Urgent
Please use the PATCHS service to fill in your details and it will then be sent through to the triage team at the surgery, an appointment will be allocated for you.
The triage team consists of 1-2 GPs, care navigators, GPA's, secretary and management. The team can vary day to day but there will always will be a GP on the triage team.
The appointment you are allocated could be the same day you contact us, within 1 week or within a few weeks depending on your problem/symptoms.
**We ask that patients present with one problem per appointment as the standard GP appointment length is 10 minutes and Practice Nurse apointments are 10 minutes. This will enable us to deliver safe clinical care **

On The Day (Same day) Appointments
Our on the day appointments will be triaged by the triage team. Please contact the surgery via the PATCHS service (open 7am-3pm) or contact us by phone (8am-6pm) if you are unable to fill out the form online.
Appointments may be limited on dates of our half day training closures, please look in the "opening times and half day closures" section.
Pre Book Appointments (booked in advance)
These appointments are no longer available for you to book online.
Pre-booked appointments are now booked by the triage team. Please use the PATCHS service to request an appointment, put in as much detail as possible please as this will then help us allocate you the most appropriate appointment.
Please inform us if a certain date/time is preferred and we will do our best to allocate this appointment for you.
Urgent Appointments
If you wish to see a specific Doctor, this may delay your appointment due to availability.
Like our other appointments, the ideal way to contact us for an appointment will be via PATCHS.
In some cases , depending on your problem the PATCHS may cut you off and you may have to ring the surgery. The receptionist will fill out a protocol with you, which will be reviewed along with your records and then triaged appropriately.
You may be signposted to a more appropraite appointment or service.
Evening and Weekend Appointments now available at the Primary Care Centre Hub at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.
Patients can now see a local GP, Physio and Phlebotomist (blood taker) for routine appointments on weekday evenings and at weekends at the Primary Care Centre Hub at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.
Pre-bookable appointments are available on Saturdays and Sundays between around 8.45am and 5.15pm.
GP, Physio and Phlebotomy appointments are available for any Greater Huddersfield patient in the Primary Care Centre Hub at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and some physio appointments are available at other sites as well.
How to book an evening or weekend appointment at the Hub:
You can also book an evening or weekend appointment by ringing the Practice on 01484 516349. If you need to book an appointment when the Practice is closed, then you can ring the free NHS 111 phone line out of normal working hours and they will book an appointment for you if appropriate.
Self Check-In
To avoid queues at the reception desk, we have a self check-in system which is simple and quick to use.
Telephone Consultations
If you prefer to have a telephone consultation with a clinician, please be aware you may be asked to attend the surgery for an assessment or examination.
If you are more than 5 minutes late to your appointment, you may not be seen and will need to rearrange.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important to let us know if you cannot attend your appointment in a timely manner. We can always use it for somebody else.
You can cancel using the text facility by texting the word CANCEL. Its even easier if you download the MJog Messenger app and you can cancel an appointment by simply pressing the cancel button.
Text Reminder Service
The practice has a text reminder service for patients who have booked appointments in advance. If we have your mobile phone number on our records, you should receive a text reminder 24 hours prior to your appointment.
It is your responsibility to ensure that we have your up to date contact details. Incorrect information can delay or prevent us from contacting you, but also delay hospital referrals and appointments.
Download the MJog Messenger app! Its quick and easy to use, and there are no SMS charges.
Failing To Attend Appointments
Missed GP appointments are a headache for Practices and a waste of health professional time. To try and reduce our non attendance rates, we have a text reminder system, therefore it is important we are kept informed of changes to mobile phone numbers.
This is our policy on non attendance:
ADULTS - On non attendance, you will be contacted to advise you have missed a GP appointment and to check we hold the correct mobile number. You will be advised that further incidences of non attendance may lead to removal from the practice list. The Practice usually allows 3 non attendances, each case is then considered by the GPs as we appreciate sometimes there are ongoing circumstances. Action is then decided appropriately.
CHILDREN - On non attendance, a parent is contacted to advise. If no discussion takes place, our GP safeguarding lead is made aware and a further attempt at contact will be made. Children who repeatedly fail to attend appointments with no given reason will be referred to the Local Authority Child Safeguarding Team for further intervention.
Home Visits
We only carry out home visits for those too ill to come to surgery or the housebound.
Home visits should be requested before 10am wherever possible as we aim to visit between 11.00am and 1.00pm each day.
You may be referred to the Urgent Community Response Team (UCR) for a home visit by a clinican rather than one of our GP's. Patients are only referred if it is deemed appropriate, so please be prepared to give out reception staff details of the problem so urgency can also be assessed.
Any visit requested after 10am will be passed to the oncall doctor for review, they may refer you to the UCR team. The UCR service is a 0-2 hour acute service with the aim of reducing hospital admissions and preventing avoidable deterioration - that might be achieved by a visit or remote consultation depending on need.
Blood Tests
There are several places you can attend for your blood test locally.
At the surgery if you are needing an appointment within the next week or two weeks.
For the phlebotomy department at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, there is a drop in service from 08:10- 16:45 Monday to Friday. For an appointment at HRI you will need a paper copy of your blood form, this will have either been sent to you in the post or via text/email or left in reception for you to collect.
If you have misplaced your blood form, please visit the surgery and one of the receptionists will re-print your form for you.