Non NHS Services

Private Work Fees

Most services offered at Lindley Group Practice are under the NHS contract and free. However there are some services which are not under the remit of the NHS and are therefore chargeable. A full list of private fees is on display in both waiting areas.

Claims forms (holiday cancellation/insurance) £75.00
Private sick notes £45.00+£52.50 consultation fee
Short letter/report/To whom it may concern letters/Statement of Fact letters £75.00
Medical examinations (HGV licence etc.) from £187.50
Private GP work (long letters & reports) £375.00 per hour
Access to medical records £0
Photocopying of records 35p per copy

We do not process passport application forms or Power of Attorney forms.

Some travel vaccinations are also chargeable, please see the travel section.


Fit to participate letter requests

As a Practice, we are unable to provide statements or letters that individuals are fit to participate  (for example, sports activities, voluntary services, school performances etc)

This is not an NHS service and the Doctors are not trained, nor indemnified to do so.

Under our private service, we would be able to provide a statement of fact only.  This would be charged at our current private rates.

Other independent private services are available and we advise patients to access these as required.